( iPhone bra, 2013 )
This project began as a series of intimate MMS’s to my partner, who was separated from me by distance—Canada to Belgium. The initial intention was a playful gesture for my lover which grew into a study of framing the female body through the medium of photography. One of my aims was to demonstrate that sensuality has been forfeited to the plethora of readily available naked photos on the Internet. In the vein of cyber bullying, I think we can still ‘safely’ share photos without baring all, and that ‘less is more’ in both the sentiment of a visual letter to one’s lover as well as putting an image out into the virtual world at large. My goal was to capture assertive poses combined with the power of suggestion. I did not want nudes that were flaccid, nor ones that subscribed to a traditional male gaze.
By using my iPhone 4S as a camera, I literally carried this “less is more” philosophy over into the realm of photography. Without the accouterments of my wider raging SLR, I was determined to demonstrate that one can be creative through limitations—that restrictions force one to look for other photographing solutions.
Addressing the framing of the female unclothed, the nude versus the pornographic, readily became part of the sensual suggestiveness of this project. What are the ‘boundaries’ that spill from one into the other in a society where the intersection of the private and public spaces is becoming more nebulous?
Lastly, in a society saturated with “the selfie”, one has to ask how closely narcissism and
voyeurism co-exist? Or, are we all simply curious about other’s lives, and have a need to
share our own, as a means of reaffirming our own existence?